Over fifteen years of tutoring experience.


JACKSONPREP was founded and created by Jackson Creegan, a highly qualified teacher and incredibly experienced 7+, 11+ and 13+ tutor.

  • 100% success rate for children gaining places in independent schools.

  • 100+ fabulous reviews from parents (and children!) who continue to highly recommend us!

  • 15 years of working with Heads of Admissions across 25+ independent schools.

Jackson taught in competitive and much sought-after preparatory schools for over ten years, working across all key stages and holding such positions as Head of English and Maths Specialist. During his teaching career, Jackson acquired a masters level degree in Education, with a focus on Leadership & Management within the primary setting. Jackson also worked meticulously in drastically improving the 11+ pathway for children under his care, cultivating a smoother, more engaging and highly enjoyable process for all pupils across Years 4, 5 and 6.

Both alongside and after his school career, Jackson has tutored children extensively for over fifteen years. Through the creation of his unique style of fun, engaging and highly encouraging teaching-style, Jackson has privately tutored over one hundred children, helping them to gain places into a huge range of independent day and boarding schools across both London, the UK and aboard.

Alongside his passion for teaching children, Jackson also creates and delivers presentations to parents, schools and the wider education community on the importance of instilling fun, interactivity and a lifelong affinity to learning.

JACKSONPREP is an incredibly sought-after and highly recommended tutoring, education and public-speaking company; we believe wholeheartedly in the power of positive reinforcement when bringing about the very best results possible for all of our tremendous members, parents and children! All of JACKSONPREP’s tutors are themselves fully qualified and highly experienced teachers, who truly believe in the power of positive reinforcement when creating each bespoke fun and interactive lesson.

We asked Jackson to support our son in the lead up to his Common Entrance maths paper. Jackson made maths fun and built such a great rapport, meaning our son was engaged and happy to revise. We had an outstanding result achieving a B grade and securing our place at Bradfield College. Thank you, Jackson!
— Ed, Chiswick

Find out more.

To arrange a completely free consultation chat with Jackson, please fill in the form or email info@jacksonprep.co.uk

You can contact Jackson anytime at 07738 287002